Monday, August 29, 2016

You Can Overcome It!

Ahhh.. that calming sound of piano music twinkling through the headphones as I type; one of my favorite times to myself is when I write.

It is healing, cleansing and always seems to remove heaviness I feel in my mind. It's why I choose to sit and write when that feeling comes on... when I feel weight that needs to lift. I feel that is when God is telling me " Sit Shelley, sit, type, and inspire... sit to pour out what so many others feel but never share, what they wish to overcome but can't."

I simply obey, even when reluctant, and well, tonight is one of those nights.

I am feeling anxious tonight, scared a little and confusion in some areas of life are pretty strong. I know I will be okay, some answers have already been revealed, but I am human, after all, and my life is a puzzle that is still incomplete.

I am sure some of you have times in life when you sit back and think WHY??? Why is this happening to me? WHEN? When will life get easier, less complicated and more stable?

Just know....

You are NOT alone. There are other people exactly where you are in this moment, where you've been in the past and even where you will end up in the future. It's a journey that you MUST live out, you mustn't give up... a path that was paved for you a long time ago and it has a happy ending. I know this first hand and no matter how hard the blows, I KNOW that I was placed here to carry on, to be strong in my walk and stronger in my faith and I am also supposed to share it all with you.

Although my personal life is something I like to keep semi- private, I have been dealing with some things personally that seemingly made no sense. It seemed like another hiccup in life, and I am REALLY over the hiccups. How many more blows can I take? I often think. However, then I am reminded that the hiccups in my life have been the exact things that have revealed the real me... they have pushed me to grow in heart and in faith. I am thankful, and appreciative of them.

In times like this, I remind myself of where the hard times led me. It helps. It reminds me how far that I have come, and gets me excited of the journey ahead.

Life is tough, and then it gets tougher. But if you hang on through these storms in your life, the rewards will be sweet, and will get sweeter with each struggle you overcome.


So... that is my message for you tonight. it is pretty short, and pretty simple, but behind it lies strength to overcome, strength to push through, faith to guide you and hope to help you know that YOU CAN MAKE IT THROUGH.

Please know that the world needs you... you are significant even when you feel so small. And when nobody else loves you, GOD does. He is there, He has been there for me through many tearful moments; He is there for me right now in this moment, and He is there for you too. If you need His strength all you have to do is ask for it, and also ask for patience.... because trust me when I say, you will need a lot of it as you push through this life. But eventually... one day this life will be over and what matters then is who you were and what you did for others. Nothing more.

His timing is the VERY best timing, I promise. TRUST in it and carry on with a smile just like I strive to do each and every day.

Until next time....






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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

This Whirlwind We Call Life

Tonight as I sit and type this late Monday night blog, I am filled up with thoughts, including how life is such a whirlwind of events, emotions, thoughts and actions. It's quite amazing really, how we toggle through each and every day, without falling asleep from pure exhaustion before it's over.

For those of you who are old enough to remember the Dunkin Donuts commercial years ago, where the little dude would come in every morning half asleep and say "time to make the donuts", life has seemed that way at times for me, does it ever feel like that for you?

(For those of you who have NO idea what this commercial reference is... just Google it! Ah the power of search engines for the young ones)

Anyway... back to where I was, life is sometimes robotic, monotonous, and simply put, boring. This is why we must CREATE some excitement into each day to keep from being bored to death. My "creations" are often looked at as CRAZY... because I do things that keep me busy... excited... but they are not necessarily what the "world" finds exciting. I set goals and go after them.

When I rewind the past 11 months of my life, I am amazed that another year has gone by... time really doesn't sit still. In fact, it moves at lightning speed right before our eyes, which is why we truly must make the best of every single day. We must be certain to do some conscious things in the midst of all the unconscious behavior.

What is your life like? Is it calm or crazy? Predictable or spontaneous? I must say, that mine had become a bit predictable as I shifted my career focus into achieving a life- long dream, and moving to a new state. I had to get into a new routine, and routine is often a necessary part of success. However, over the past several months, many changes have occurred, some challenges have reared their ugly head, causing me to suit up and fight some battles. However in the fight, I also gained some victory and all of it has led me to yet another whirlwind... an unexpected twist in my journey.

In just one short month, on the 1 year anniversary of my exciting move to Charlotte, NC, for a new beginning, I am moving back to Tampa. Not because life did not work here, it has actually been amazing, I have made some great friends and business connections that I intend to keep, and have loved my home and neighborhood. However, let's just say that a person in life challenged me and instead of fighting it I made the decision that perhaps I still have work to do in Tampa. Funny, that in the middle of what seemed to be a negative thing, positive light began to shine through.

I have heard and even experienced a "break" from something, only to pick it back up later and try it again and been incredibly successful. That is how I am choosing to look at this unexpected journey back to a place that I said goodbye to a year ago.

Although bittersweet, this move has purpose, just as the move to NC did. I stay faithful that this purpose will be revealed in bright light, so that I won't be confused as to what that purpose is. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, because I am... however each and every moment leads you to the next. So sometimes, despite your fears and uncertainty, you just have to accept it and claim it.

I am looking forward to seeing what lies ahead, I have changed a lot in one year. The growth that I have experienced as a human being... in my soul, faith and heart have made this experience SO worth while. I embrace the journey ahead, I know it will leave me with more stories to tell!

One day though, I hope to feel more settled... to live a life that is more calm, and hope I don't find that boring.  I really do close my eyes often to dream of the day when I will be sitting on my back porch, overlooking a beautiful lake in the mountains, crisp air wrapping me like a warm blanket, sipping a cup of coffee, reading a good book and thinking to myself...

"Yep, this is what I worked for. That whirlwind I call my life was worth it."

" When you wake up and your reality is no longer a dream... you know that your dreams have become your reality." ©Shelley Giard 2016

Until next time....






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Monday, August 1, 2016

Your Soul Will Come Alive When You Go After Your Dreams

Tonight is my typical blog night. I missed posting last Monday because it was my first night "Going Live" on FB  and I had to prepare. It was pretty cool, a new learning curve and pretty successful. It's a hard decision to make these days, with all the ways to reach people, exactly which ones to use. So... I do what I feel most people with some sort of influence do... I use them all. Some people like to read, others would rather watch, and I want to reach them all.

I am not really sure with all that is roaming around in my head tonight what to share, but I prayed about it and simply asked God to give me some words that someone needs to hear. When I have drawn blanks before and asked that of Him, some of my best stuff has been delivered, so let's see what comes out of this. I will just tell a story of something that happened today and let it flow. It touched me and perhaps it will touch you too.

Pain is a funny thing, we often hide it inside as to not call attention to ourselves or our troubles, yet in my life, I have witnessed many times that letting it out and sharing a painful moment touches lives, helps us connect, and lets us inside one another's hearts. In all that, change often happens, positive change, life-changing change It's cool, and has a lot of impact; at least on me.

Some of you know that I am in the planning stages of my life long dream... building a massive mentoring community called The S. Giard Group, whose goal is nothing more than to impact the lives of everyone involved and to change the way people look at personal and professional growth.

Our mission is to help EVERYONE involved, no matter how much or how little to manifest what ALL of us have inside. To rid ourselves of the things that hold us back.

This goal is something that has been in my head for a long time, about 11 years, actually. For the past 7, I have been mapping out how I would build it and run it. For the past two I have been piecing it together and now I am filling the pipelines. It is the most influential endeavor I have ever attempted.

I am excited and thrilled that I am now in the stage of adding mentors... finding the very people that will help me run this and make it a reality. With that being said, I have been interviewing people over the past several months and it has been a great process.

Today, I met with a lady that I was introduced to by one of my newest mentors, Ken, who is on the leadership and accountability team. The three of us met for coffee and she and I began to get acquainted. It came time for me to present my company and all that I have planned for it to this new contact. After I presented the whole concept and all that we were about, she was wowed. She shared personally with me a little bit about her son and as she did, she became very emotional coming to tears and said "If my son would have had something like this to plug into, his life would have been very different. This is really great Shelley and I would love to be part of this!"

I knew, in that moment, that I wanted her on my team.

You see, there is something to be said about a genuine soul, one that is not afraid to share, not afraid to cry. One that has been through their own experiences and KNOWS the value of having something, someone to plug into. A soul that KNOWS what self improvement and self discovery can do for your life. It was an awesome moment and I am looking forward to welcoming someone with a business degree as well as a masters in the Psychology field on the team.

Things are coming together. It is exciting, and no matter how long it takes to build this dream, I will push on despite the people who may think I am a crazy, far-fetched dreamer. They are right, I am. I am likely as FAR-FETCHED as they come. But, so were Walt Disney, Hans Christian Anderson, Dr, Seuss, Colonel Sanders and Ray Croc, just to name a few. They went for YEARS being broke to go after their dreams. They were relentless on the emotional roller coaster it is to go after a dream. However all of them, ALL of them reached their goal, fulfilled their dreams, changed lives and lived to see it happen.

For those who gave up... we can't say that. We don't know what may have happened if they had stuck it out just a little while longer. They died defeated, and likely worn out by the cruelty of a life without dreams and goals. A life that most people lead...

Is that the life you lead?

I am ALWAYS preaching on dreaming big and going after them and I will preach this till the day I die. If you are going to follow me, get used to it, or politely say good bye and know that I wish you lots of success and happiness.

As my tag line goes, "I am the girl that will tell you that you CAN when everyone else says you can't."

If you need that, I am here to plug into. I am here for you to share with others who need an outlet.

Today... I was moved by a tearful moment when someone felt that my company could have changed her son's life, THAT was so encouraging and it's little moments like that from a complete stranger that keep me going sometimes. That's two in the past several days... God knew I needed that encouragement and delivered it right on time.

I hope that somehow, these words stirred something inside of you. KNOW that I believe in you and want to help you in any way that I can. Reach out, anytime to the email below and I will help you find your voice and your way.

Subject Line: Blog Reader

Be AWESOME, Dream BIG and don't let anything stop you.

"The past is the inspiration to the story, the days ahead are the painting... remember that you hold the brush to create it. Now go make it a masterpiece." ©ShelleyGiard

Until next time....






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