Monday, January 14, 2013

Golden Globes 2013

I had a great time watching the Golden Globes last night, I always do, and luckily... Corey is a movie buff  too so it's something we watch together! Not only do I love movies, but I am all about the makeup, hair and wardrobe because of what I do for a living. Here are my "nerd notes" from last night.

Kate Hudson: Her black dress complete with plunge neckline and golden "bling" halter... A-MA-ZING. Kudos to designer Alexander McQueen! I have always LOVED Kate, she is classy, natural and amazingly beautiful. #justlikehermom

J-Lo: Beautiful dress which had to be made especially for her or her spray tan lady is spot on. Knuckle bump to the designer Zuhair Murad. The flesh toned fabric matched her skin tone perfectly. Another beautiful woman no doubt, but I bet she sneered when Ben took the cake and ate it too Gotta see Argo!
Jennifer Garner deserves him! <3 nbsp="nbsp">

Adele: We all know her voice is mesmerizing but who knew that she was laid back and down to earth? Her reaction was so genuine and cute. Not only did she make me laugh by saying she and her friend were "pissing themselves" laughing, she totally dropped the f" bomb when they called her name as the winner. Great camera work guys! HAHA! Love her even more now! People from the UK rock!

Speaking of great camera work, Mel Gibson... poor guy! Every time the camera men panned to him he had this blank stare and hos mouth was dropped open as if he had no control over his chin... I honestly was afraid they'd catch him drooling on camera. What has happened to one of my favorite men in Hollywood? :( #manwithoutaface,  #blankstare

Will Farrell and Kristen Wiig: One word: HYSTERICAL!

Jessica Alba's necklace needs to be in my collection, just sayin' it's only 5.8million, no problem! HA! #Iamsuchanaccesssorywhore

Jennifer Lawrence needed a necklace. Too much bare space! However it seemed to be the trend of the night for many. Strongly disagree! Nothing compliments a long beautiful neck and or amazing cleavage more than a beautiful necklace. Especially when you have on a plain solid strapless dress. Be it simple, delicate or over the top necklace, It's a must have. #myopinion

Lucy Lui : That dress... does your wardrobe stylist hate you or is your taste that awful? #epicfail

Jodi Foster is amazing, have loved her for a long time. Brilliant actress, beautiful woman with piercing eyes and truly an icon in the industry. Her speech was beautiful, I was honestly brought to tears, and that's good because it's the only thing that saved her from the annoying nervous tick tapping that podium throughout the entire speech! #comingout

And last but certainly not least... Tina and Amy had me laughing all night. From the fake nominations to the funny teeth to the mustache... it's proof that laughter is the very best medicine!

My favorite Golden Globes so far!

HAPPY MONDAY! Laugh a lot today! <3 nbsp="nbsp">
xoxo Shells~

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