Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My First Celebrity Party

This past Friday night I was lucky enough (if that's what you want to call it) to receive an invitation to a celebrity event put on by Derek Jeter and Michael Jordan. I was super excited to go, even though I was not sure what to expect; I figured regardless of what it was like, it was a night out and would probably involve one of my favorite things... dancing. Although I typically don't feel old... that feeling quickly changed as I tried to keep myself awake to attend this party that did not start until 9:30 pm... not to mention I intended on showing up fashionably late. (yawn) I downed a cup of coffee instead of taking a nap as I had originally planned to do, got all dolled up, kissed my sweetie goodbye and headed for the door for a night out with a girl friend.

Now... like I said, I really had no idea what to expect but I guess I did have a few expectations after all and those were, hour- appropriate Hors D’Oeuvres, an open bar for at least a portion of the night and good dance music. It only took one trip to the bar to realize that one out of three expectations were already not going to be met. Oh well, no big deal, I paid the $7.50 plus a $1.50 tip for my less than stellar drink and began to mingle with some people I was being introduced to by the guy who gave us the invite. (thanks again for the invite if you are reading) As I hoped for better music, I danced in place to the techno beat that was thumping my eardrums making me feel like I should be splashed in florescent paint and twirling glow sticks. 4 go-go dancers tabletop danced in short shorts and bra tops while two other girls entangled and twirled themselves in silky fabric that hung from the ceiling. It was very interesting choice of entertainment, especially considering that there were about 10 girls to each guy in the room.

My friend and I began to make our way through the crowd of bad hair extensions, false eyelashes, stilettos and super short dresses. It was truly comical watching these young girls and women of all ages attempt to walk in the sexy shoes they had so carefully picked out... I suppose they figured that "sexy" is about the shoes and the short dress not the fact of whether or not you could actually WALK in the shoes while simultaneously tugging at the back of your dress so your butt did not pop out. YES... that was TOTALLY sexy. My girlfriend and I also wore cute little cocktail dresses and sexy shoes but we could walk in them and since our dresses actually fit us, they stayed right where they belonged...relieving us of the horribly unsexy tugging. ( Seriously the equivalent of digging your panties out of your butt)

 I finally spotted Derek Jeter, even though I was looking for Michael Jordan; (who might I add did not actually make an appearance while I was there) so we headed in the direction of his pretty smile and realized that we had "ROCKSTAR" bands... not the fancy black VIP bands, so getting into "his area" was going to take a cute smile at someone holding the black VIP bands. (Mission accomplished) Now that we were in VIP section I figured free drinks.. WRONG again. Bottle service (just in case you don't know that means you have to drop $200-$500 for a bottle in order to sit down) But there were Hors D’Oeuvres. I must say that this section was much more interesting as these were where the good hair extensions were. (haha) It was going on 1:00 am and since the music never improved me and my friend decided we would squeeze our way over to Jeter, introduce ourselves, shake his hand say thanks for the party and head home to our families.

To wrap this all up into a big finale I will say this:

Of all the years I have contemplated getting a boob job, I have decided to stay a member of the itty-bitty club for now. I saw enough fake hair, fake lashes, fake lips and fake boobs that night to last me a lifetime. (I have never seen a good set of fake lips... ever.) I don't think I want to be in "that club"  if I can't join it as I am... REAL. I realized that money will never define me no matter how much I end up with, I will always have an open bar at my parties if I become a celebrity, and will ALWAYS have good music playing so that people can dance and have a good time. I will age gracefully and embrace every flaw because I am more concerned about who I am on the inside. There was more low self-esteem and competition in that room than anywhere I had ever been. Was I happy to attend? Sure! It was an experience to remember and certainly one to learn from. I drove home happy... happy that I had someone waiting for me, that I have a beautiful family and realized once again that I have changed VERY much and it's all for the better!

Have a great night!

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