I know I am not "normal'... I say it ALL of the time; I FEEL it all of the time and quite frankly I like it MOST of the time. However, once in a while I sit back and say to myself... are you even human? Well, this weekend raised that question as I looked back at what I actually did in a matter of only two days.
Saturday morning I headed over to St. Petersburg to do makeup on a model for a shoot. Unfortunately, I had afternoon plans with a couple of girlfriends so I couldn't stay for the shoot as I normally do... "do it and go" jobs are rare for me, but you gotta do whatcha' gotta do. She looked great; that's all that mattered I suppose. Here is a quick "phone shot" I took before I left>>>>>
At about 12:30 I headed home to prep for my afternoon with two of my dearest friends; stopping at the grocery store to pick up a few things on the way. Since Corey was going to the movies and the kids were out playing with friends, the plan for us was to have some quality "girl time" while drinking refreshing cocktails and devouring yummy food which was tag-team cooked by my friend and I" food network" style. It was VERY yummy and very fun. Oh... but the day was not over; about 7:45 I said goodbye to my friends and headed into the bathroom to get ready for my friend Wendy's 50th birthday surprise party and I was out the door like Flash Gordon by 8:15. I stayed a few hours, met some new people and said goodbye knowing that I had a looooong Sunday ahead. (ps>>that's me in the stripes)
Now onto Sunday....
As some of you know, I have a makeup and hair studio (now all of you know) that I have been operating out of an executive office building for about a year and half after moving out of my "retail" space in the county I previously lived in. It has been a quaint, private, cozy little space that my clients and I have enjoyed. Unfortunately, a couple of months ago I found out that the building was in pre-forclosure and had to begin to make decisions. Do I stay and see what is going to happen or do I make a new plan? Prior to finding out about this, the landlord had been hounding me about moving into a larger suite downstairs and although I was initially against it, I finally gave in when he made me an offer I could not refuse... only to be told a month later that he found someone else to rent it for more than I was paying and signed a lease with them... (after after I spent two weeks painting it my self, moving my stuff down stairs and setting up "shop".) Ahhhh, okay you USED me to get it looking good, I get it! Was that illegal? yes, I even talked to a lawyer who said I had a solid case, but these days, I choose to go with the philosophy that everything happens for a reason. I moved BACK upstairs into my old suite and carried on.
After being back in my old suite for a month, I have been continuously harassed by the landlord, and the "hot seat" is simply not my seat of choice. He refused to give me a new lease stating that I was just "month to month" now, which left me unprotected and a bit uneasy. Although the building had now been sold to a "new guy" and is supposedly out of trouble, the "new guy" is standing behind the "old guy", and day to day business has left a lot to be desired for me. I have been in this business WAY too long and dealt with too many shady landlords to continue being "snowed" by two men who think that just because I am an attractive woman that I am brainless. They can take their sexual innuendo's and unethical comments and put them where the sun doesn't shine!
Due to cash flow, I have paid my rent between the 15th and 20th of EVERY month for over a year and got the "okay" from the original landlord before executing the lease to do so. However, Friday, I show up to find a 3-day to pay rent or vacate notice taped to my door like I was some sort of loser who doesn't pay rent. It wasn't folded, it wasn't in an envelope... nope, it was taped WIDE open on my door for everyone to see. NICE job proving you are a manly-man. This left me with two choices. Pay the rent (which I was going to do on the 20th anyway) and continue the drama or leave and use the money to set up a new space. Hmmm..... million dollar question.
So....I called their bluff and my Sunday was spent moving out of my cozy little place and bringing everything home. We even pulled up the beautiful floor I put in when I took the space. I left it as it was the day I moved in and left a nice little note with the keys on the new landlord's office desk...
I wonder how THAT will make his Monday?
They figured their little "tactic" would scare little ole' me? Little did they know that I have been bullied before... and since they gave me no lease... they were not protected either; funny how things backfire. As I locked the door to the building I thought of the good year I had, the purpose this place served and the growth that happened while I was there. I had a peaceful feeling which told me that I was doing the right thing. It was time for a new chapter, new beginnings and positive changes once again. Change is growth and that is priceless. I refuse to have drama in my life anymore, I rid myself of it as soon as it begins to appear. I lived in it for so long that I thought it was necessary... yep no thanks, lesson learned on that topic.
Today, I will meet with the contractor who will hopefully be building my cozy new space inside my garage and I am feeling pretty great about it. Fingers crossed I will be up and running soon. No more landlords, just a cozy space for making my clients look and feel amazing because THAT is all I need; and since I only work in my studio about 15 hours a week, this will be perfect! (not to mention the fact the extra $$ in my pocket) I truly proved to myself this weekend that when negative things happen YOU have control on how you allow them to affect you and it has everything to do with how stressful your life will be... hopefully you can take that lesson away from me today and allow it to carry into your week as negative stuff occurs.
The best part of the weekend was having the time EVEN after all the things I did to float in my pool and soak up some vitamin D with my family. It's amazing what you can get done, what you can fit in to a couple of days if you just MAKE the time. I hope you all had a terrific weekend and that you kick off this Monday with a positive attitude and a little ray of hope... and never ever forget that change is GOOD!

At about 12:30 I headed home to prep for my afternoon with two of my dearest friends; stopping at the grocery store to pick up a few things on the way. Since Corey was going to the movies and the kids were out playing with friends, the plan for us was to have some quality "girl time" while drinking refreshing cocktails and devouring yummy food which was tag-team cooked by my friend and I" food network" style. It was VERY yummy and very fun. Oh... but the day was not over; about 7:45 I said goodbye to my friends and headed into the bathroom to get ready for my friend Wendy's 50th birthday surprise party and I was out the door like Flash Gordon by 8:15. I stayed a few hours, met some new people and said goodbye knowing that I had a looooong Sunday ahead. (ps>>that's me in the stripes)
Now onto Sunday....
As some of you know, I have a makeup and hair studio (now all of you know) that I have been operating out of an executive office building for about a year and half after moving out of my "retail" space in the county I previously lived in. It has been a quaint, private, cozy little space that my clients and I have enjoyed. Unfortunately, a couple of months ago I found out that the building was in pre-forclosure and had to begin to make decisions. Do I stay and see what is going to happen or do I make a new plan? Prior to finding out about this, the landlord had been hounding me about moving into a larger suite downstairs and although I was initially against it, I finally gave in when he made me an offer I could not refuse... only to be told a month later that he found someone else to rent it for more than I was paying and signed a lease with them... (after after I spent two weeks painting it my self, moving my stuff down stairs and setting up "shop".) Ahhhh, okay you USED me to get it looking good, I get it! Was that illegal? yes, I even talked to a lawyer who said I had a solid case, but these days, I choose to go with the philosophy that everything happens for a reason. I moved BACK upstairs into my old suite and carried on.
After being back in my old suite for a month, I have been continuously harassed by the landlord, and the "hot seat" is simply not my seat of choice. He refused to give me a new lease stating that I was just "month to month" now, which left me unprotected and a bit uneasy. Although the building had now been sold to a "new guy" and is supposedly out of trouble, the "new guy" is standing behind the "old guy", and day to day business has left a lot to be desired for me. I have been in this business WAY too long and dealt with too many shady landlords to continue being "snowed" by two men who think that just because I am an attractive woman that I am brainless. They can take their sexual innuendo's and unethical comments and put them where the sun doesn't shine!
Due to cash flow, I have paid my rent between the 15th and 20th of EVERY month for over a year and got the "okay" from the original landlord before executing the lease to do so. However, Friday, I show up to find a 3-day to pay rent or vacate notice taped to my door like I was some sort of loser who doesn't pay rent. It wasn't folded, it wasn't in an envelope... nope, it was taped WIDE open on my door for everyone to see. NICE job proving you are a manly-man. This left me with two choices. Pay the rent (which I was going to do on the 20th anyway) and continue the drama or leave and use the money to set up a new space. Hmmm..... million dollar question.
So....I called their bluff and my Sunday was spent moving out of my cozy little place and bringing everything home. We even pulled up the beautiful floor I put in when I took the space. I left it as it was the day I moved in and left a nice little note with the keys on the new landlord's office desk...
They figured their little "tactic" would scare little ole' me? Little did they know that I have been bullied before... and since they gave me no lease... they were not protected either; funny how things backfire. As I locked the door to the building I thought of the good year I had, the purpose this place served and the growth that happened while I was there. I had a peaceful feeling which told me that I was doing the right thing. It was time for a new chapter, new beginnings and positive changes once again. Change is growth and that is priceless. I refuse to have drama in my life anymore, I rid myself of it as soon as it begins to appear. I lived in it for so long that I thought it was necessary... yep no thanks, lesson learned on that topic.
Today, I will meet with the contractor who will hopefully be building my cozy new space inside my garage and I am feeling pretty great about it. Fingers crossed I will be up and running soon. No more landlords, just a cozy space for making my clients look and feel amazing because THAT is all I need; and since I only work in my studio about 15 hours a week, this will be perfect! (not to mention the fact the extra $$ in my pocket) I truly proved to myself this weekend that when negative things happen YOU have control on how you allow them to affect you and it has everything to do with how stressful your life will be... hopefully you can take that lesson away from me today and allow it to carry into your week as negative stuff occurs.
The best part of the weekend was having the time EVEN after all the things I did to float in my pool and soak up some vitamin D with my family. It's amazing what you can get done, what you can fit in to a couple of days if you just MAKE the time. I hope you all had a terrific weekend and that you kick off this Monday with a positive attitude and a little ray of hope... and never ever forget that change is GOOD!
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