Sunday, July 8, 2012


That amazing moment when you come face to face... your eyes meet and slowly scan every inch of each other's face, that question of wonder drowns your mind... "should I or should't I?" A hand slowly touches your face, you can feel your heart racing and your palms getting moist. Your eyes become intense because your feelings are real... and for that moment nothing else matters as you tilt your head and dive into that kiss. As your lips touch everything else disappears...
~THAT is what  passion can do for a kiss~

It's the night of a big reveal... something you have been waiting for, hoped for... maybe all of your life. It is finally happening because you put your heart and soul into it and never let anything stop you. You are awaiting that solitary moment when you can finally exhale... you did it, and now you will reap the rewards of a job well done... a mountain climbed, a mission accomplished, a dream made reality. You beam with pride as you share with the world around you... 
~THAT is what passion can do for a goal~

Someone bullies your child... you are furious, you won't stand for it. You take charge in order to get to the bottom of it, willing to go all the way to the top and have no care of how long it will take; this is your child and this is their self-esteem. A family member or friend was in an accident, or came down with a terminal illness, you put everything on hold to be by their side... to do whatever you can and nothing else matters while you are fighting for their life even harder than they are... 
~THAT is what passion can do for the ones you love~

 You feel strongly about it, and although you listen to what others have to say your mind remains fixed and focused. You are called crazy... obsessive and nuts. You share what you know with others so that they may understand why it runs through your mind so freely and rapidly, why it is a part of who you are... 
~THAT is what passion can do for belief~

Passion shows up in many aspects of life... good moments and bad ones. It is necessary in almost everything if your goal is to succeed. Passion is the one emotion that is never bad. Without passion there is no excitement and without excitement there is no purpose; without purpose what is the point? What do we really have to motivate us without it? My point is this... if you are struggling in anything; your career, your relationships, your faith... find  passion in it, if you can't then you must move on to something you can.

"With passion you find purpose; with purpose you find happiness and with happiness you can create a life you will never want to escape from" ©2012 Shelley Giard

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