Friday, June 1, 2012

What's New... What's Happenin' .... How I Doin'?

Tonight, I felt like writing about what's going on in my world. Many of you follow me on Facebook,  Twitter and perhaps even Google Plus... but I never have the opportunity to share everything on social media sites being that status updates are character limited. Since many of you have asked me "what's going on lately?" I chose to update everyone, fans, friends and family via my blog post tonight.

Okay, so... (deep breath) this is what's new in my business life:

I love blogging, probably because I LOVE writing and sharing information so I am starting up a new blog in June. It will be a Health-Wellness- Beauty blog that I will post to every Monday morning. It will include information about promoting healthy digestion,staying toxin free, gluten-free dairy-free recipes that I have concocted all on my own since making this lifestyle change myself, as well as makeup and beauty tips for all of those that have BEGGED me to do tutorials; they are coming I promise!  Anyone who knows me knows I am a complete GEEK in my industry and my industry is BEAUTY from the inside out. I have a lot planned for the new blog and am REALLY excited to have this outlet to share inforation in a much bigger way. I love to share information and well... I am asked all of the time for my advice and tricks of my trade so you asked for it and I plan to deliver on it. Be patient and of course I will hope to get a lot more feedback and input from my readers on what you want to see. It will be up to YOU out there to tell me what you want to know.

My first book will be coming out in just a few short months and being that I am doing a lot of self promotion I would LOVE to have help from you! August is the projected release date and as we speak the website for me as an author is being created. Another exciting thing that is also going to keep me on my toes until it is released. I am obviously doing everything I can right now to build myself as a writer and my reading audience and hope that in the end that my readers are happy. THAT is my goal, NOT the monetary gain.

I was hired by a local online glamour magazine that has been around for several years but is under new ownership last month to be the official makeup artist for the magazine. Although I had ditched the glamour scene for a while due to my faith and morals, this magazine is very tastefully done and the photographer produces beautiful work so I accepted the offer. It will be a one weekend a month gig for me. Consistent clients and cash flow is what makes a freelancer drool. I am happy to have been asked to do this and the first issue will release tonight at midnight.

I am hoping to open my new hair and makeup studio by August, plans are in the making and I am currently looking for a new location... doing my best to be patient so I can find the perfect home. I am still planning to keep my North location open for my clients in Spring Hill, and God willing... it will all work out perfectly.

Okay I THINK that is it.

And... this is what's new in my personal life:

We have been in the new house for nearly two months and despite the fact that I have been up to my eyeballs with freelance work, we have managed to get quite a bit done. I am ready for a house warming party REALLY soon! Details will go out to those near and dear as soon as we figure out a date. Corey, the kids and I are loving our new home. As expected getting used to being around each other every day has had a few growing pains but as we approach week 9 or 10 ( I lost count) we are feeling pretty great and I think MY butterflies are over. (Yes, I was the one that felt the biggest lump in the throat) Go figure!

Today, my oldest daughter Cierra flew in from Colorado. She is my mini-me. At 20 years old she is driven, motivated, talented, beautiful and VERY responsible for a young student living on her own across the country from her family. She makes me SUPER proud! Tomorrow, my Dad flies in and  being that he has not been to Florida to visit me since 1999 (the year I moved here) I am REALLY excited to have him as a guest in our new home. I of course have been to see him many times since 1999, but it was WAY overdue for him to pay ME a visit so I flew him down myself! He lost his wife last month and I just felt now was a great time for him to get away and see his grandchildren. (And perhaps help his DIY daughter with a few projects around the house!)

Abrielle, my youngest daughter (2 1/2) who has Down syndrome is doing SO wonderful. She is as smart as any toddler is; and is into everything lately! She is the happiest most loving child I have ever known and she warms my heart everyday. I am so proud of her accomplishments, her small hurdles are HUGE hurdles to us and I love watching her figure things out on her own; knowing her challenges, she is more than amazing I must say. She is wanting to feed herself more and I have been teaching her simple sign language for several months now until she can form the words to tell us what she wants and needs. I think it is pretty cool that all of us are learning sign together as a family to help her communicate better. Watching her brilliant little mind learning and using it correctly and in the right context brings tears to my eyes... she is no dummy let me tell you! She will transition to the school system in October when she turns 3, THAT I cannot believe and I KNOW I will need tissues THAT morning!

This week was Baleigh's last full week of school. I cannot believe she will be in 5th grade next year. Where in the world does the time go? Before I know it she will be in high school... just a few short years away and then poof! There will only be two left at home. She is my creative genius that will likely never be on honor roll again now that she is past 4th grade, but neither was I and I think I turned out JUST FINE!

Zane is my little man, quickly approaching 4, he is a funny little goof! He is SUCH a great big brother to his little sis and she finds him amusing in every way! They love each other so much and it makes me smile to know that she will always have him to look out for her (even if she can beat up everyone around her.)

I am so happy to see my blog audience grow and I wanted to take a minute to thank every single one of you for reading and supporting me on my journey. I will never forget how it all started, I will be humble all the way to the finish line. Without struggle we can never experience triumph and God knows the struggles he has handed to me and I know he gave them me so I could RUN like the wind. I feel so blessed and know that this year is a REALLY big one for me. I am hanging on waiting for my hair to blow backward!

"Life is a roller coaster so HANG on tight, it will be worth it in the end if you don't chicken out!"                               ShelleyGiard ©2012

Have a great night everyone, keep your chin held high and you self esteem even higher! 


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